Bimo, Sara
Grout De Beaufort, Louise
Moiroud, Cécile
The Project Coordinator will oversee the decision-making processes of the project and facilitate communication and scientific exchange between the project partners during the project.
The Technical and Scientific Coordinators : several members of the General Assembly will provide strategic scientific guidance and expertise to the project.
The General Assembly is the main decision-making body of the Graduate School It is comprised of maximum three leading members of each participating university department and its meetings are chaired by the Project Coordinator.
The Project Management Office is in charge of the administrative and financial management of the Project. It is led by the Project Coordinator and consists of support staff experienced in the areas of project administration, legal and financial issues, and public relations and communication. The PMO will guarantee adequate administrative, financial and contractual planning, including the organisation of the submission of periodic reports, cost statements and financial audit certificates.
An Advisory Board will be composed of top scientists and specialists in a variety of disciplines, who are or have been involved in key climate action research projects, as well as policy makers, who are or have been involved in the development of mitigation and adaptation policy.